Purebred AW lambs, 3 to 6 weeks old, weighing up to 24kg

Purebred AW lambs, 3 to 6 weeks old, weighing up to 24kg, showing what our ewes are capable of producing in drought conditions, with maintenance feeding.

May 22nd, 2019|news|

Purebred AW ewe lambs, born in a dry 2017, raised on limited pasture. Now being joined at 7-10 mths.


February 26th, 2018|news|

New breed is streets ahead – Article at The Rural

A KALNARI purebred Australian White ewe at 16 months (left). Shedding breeds are an increasingly important part of the high performance prime lamb industry. Article at The Rural (29 Apr 2015)   SOMETIMES the best sheep need to be bred for the conditions to generate the best return for producers. The Australian White [...]

August 10th, 2016|news|

Malcolm and Kerrie Plum, Kalnari Australian Whites, purchased the sale topper and equal second highest priced rams. – Article by The Land

Article by The Land, October 16th, 2014 Baringa, Kanoona average $2053 BARINGA Australian Whites, Oberon, and Kanoona Park Australian Whites, Curban, sold 67 of 70 rams to a $2053 average at the inaugural Central West Australian White Ram Sale last week. The sale was supported by buyers from NSW, Queensland, Victoria and South Australia and [...]

August 7th, 2016|news|