Our Stud

Emphasis has always been on maintaining a fast-growing sheep from birth to sale. This enables commercial producers the option of selling into markets early, or to take their lambs on to export weights.

Shedding is a priority, to avoid the risk of fly-strike and to maintain a clean breech area. All rams and ewes sold for breeding purposes, are sold unshorn, to enable the buyer to assess shedding capabilities.

Soundness, conformation and structure are considered vital elements in our production system, for the part they play in longevity and productivity of breeding stock, also in lamb survival rates, as well as optimizing growth and muscle development in offspring.

We continue to build accurate pedigree information, by tagging lambs approx. 6 hours after birth, and utilizing DNA sampling, if necessary. By maintaining variation in bloodlines, lambing percentages are enhanced. The negative impacts of in-breeding include poor fertility, low immunity, poor growth, as well as structural problems predisposing to unsoundness. To avoid unwanted close breeding, extended pedigrees are checked for suitability prior to all matings. With pedigrees available for flock rams sold, we can offer
diverse lines for return clients seeking rams to join to retained ewe lambs.

Our first crop of AW Foundation Flock ewe lambs, born 2012,  via embryo transfer.

Kalnari australian whites

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